
Integrative Genetics
Understanding your genetics allows us to have a foundational blueprint for YOUR body and helps inform your lifestyle choices including nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and even what supplements to take. You can often affect how your genes are expressed through target lifestyle changes.
We use designed by Dr. Penny Kendall-Reid to analyze your genetic raw data and provide meaningful information and recommendations.
You will learn about your unique dietary and exercise needs, and how your body responds to stress and inflammation.

Stecco Fascial Manipulation
Fascial Manipulation® is an innovative recovery method created by Italian physiotherapist Luigi Stecco.
Fascial Manipulation® recognizes the physiological balance of the whole person focusing on the interconnection of the muscles and the organs, restoring the balance of the body.
Particular points (that often correspond with acupuncture points and meridians) have been identified that are capable of causing pain and imbalances in our bodies. Treatment aims to harmonize these points within a particular sequence.
Treatments are executed for both musculoskeletal and internal dysfunction (digestive, urinary, vascular problems, etc.)

ScarWork (Sharon Wheeler's Method)
Scar tissue is a fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue after a surgery or injury.
Scar tissue doesn't move as freely as normal tissue, and can lead to pain, numbness, pulling, itching, decreased range of motion, and unsightliness. Adhesions can extend deeply, affecting organ function or muscles distant from the scar.
Unfortunately, after injuries and surgeries we are told we are done healing. The truth is that there is more work to do to integrate the scar with the rest of the body.
ScarWork is a gentle, but effective therapy that integrates the scar into the 3D fascial web, restoring function and mobility.

Stimpod NMS 460
STIMPOD NMS 460 is a non-invasive device that delivers a radiowave frequency which mends the nerve, resulting in reduced pain and improved movement.
This is often used after releasing the fascia around a nerve to help the nerve to heal.
The treatment feels similiar to a TENS unit, but a TENS unit helps with pain (rather than healing) during the treatment only. The StimPod NMS 460 continues to work and mend the nerve even after the treatment.

Rev6 Movement System
Rev6 is movement system designed to engage your brain and nervous system while providing necessary input to the fascia, expediting results and restoring balance in the body.
The movements are unique, fun, and "novel" utilizing textures to provide the right amount of stimulation to your nervous system.
Movements are customized in a sequence just for you to help unwind your fascia and re-educate your nervous system.
This system connects the mind and body leading to astonishing results.

Laser Therapy
Class IV Laser Therapy is used for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and decrease inflammation. When light source is placed against the skin, photons penetrate several centimeters down and are absorbed by the mitochondria (the energy producing part of the cell). This energy results in the restoration of normal cell function. The main goal of laser therapy is to stimulate the cell to perform its natural functions, but at an enhanced rate. In contrast to "cold lasers", which provide no feeling or sensation, high power diode laser therapy provides a warm, soothing feeling.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that originated in Germany and has been used for centuries. It is based on the principle that "like cures like".
It was discovered that a substance that can cause illness can actually cure illness when given in a minute dose. Homeopathy induces a very small, but detectable stress to your body that nudges the body's natural healing mechanisms to take over.
There are over 4,000 homeopathic remedies - the one selected is based on how the specific symptoms are presenting in the individual. Dr. April is trained to help identify which remedy is the that best matches your expression of symptoms.

Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine has been used for millennia for therapeutics. Today, herbal medicine is evidence-based and can be used for many conditions from chronic pain, acute pain, digestive concerns, hormone balancing, and blood sugar control.
If indicated, we will select specific botanicals to help provide nutrients and biochemical constituents to help restore normal function in your body.
Herbal medicine can be in the form of capsules, liquids in a dropper bottle, teas, or creams/lotions.

Nutrition Support
The truth is that there is no one diet that is right for every person.
We use a time-honored method called the Carroll Method for checking for food intolerances. This method helps to identify the key foods that are burdening your body. Once these foods are removed, the digestive tract starts to heal, nutrients are better absorbed in your body, and inflammation calms.
We offer other types of therapeutic diets, including meal plans, to help heal your digestion and shift your metabolism.
Key supplements are recommended to correct nutritional deficiencies and to achieve specific therapeutic goals.
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